Remco Plettenberg op is vandaag uitgebreid met Remco Plettenberg van Porter Novelli.

Vandaag werd Porter Novelli uitgeroepen tot Benelux Consultancy van het jaar. Holmes, de organisatie die onder meer achter de Internationale Sabre Awards zit, heeft Porter Novelli uitgeroepen tot Benelux consultancy van het jaar. Ik kende de prijs niet en bij mijn korte zoektocht op internet zag ik dat Bikker in januari nog bureau van het jaar was.

Paul Holmes geeft in The Holmes Report de volgende argumentatie:
“Porter Novelli’s Dutch operation, Bennis Porter Novelli, is one of the strongest multinational firms in the Netherlands, and probably the best-respected, a full service operation probably best known for its work in corporate communications and has earned two European SABRE Awards in the past two years: one for its work on behalf of the United Bible Societies in the Netherlands, positioning a new translation of the Bible as a literary book and increasing its sales in a largely secular country; another for its work on behalf of McKinsey, promoting a massive study of the Dutch Internet. The office also provides leadership across the whole region, with managing director Inge Kauer named regional director for EMEA earlier this year, with responsibility for driving new business development and ensuring consistent quality across the region. The Belgian operation, meanwhile, flies beneath the radar because -unlike most competitors- it doesn’t focus exclusively on the public affairs business, working with multinationals headquarted in Belgium on pan-European programming and in the local market too.”

Zo genoeg veren in de reet. Aan het werk Remco!