via: Conversationblog
Bovenstaand een interview met Philip Young (University of Sunderland, UK), Swaran Sandhu (University of Lucerne, Switzerland) and Ansgar Zerfass (University of Leipzig, Germany) over een Europees onderzoek naar het gebruik van weblogs door PR-professionals. De belangrijste conclusies:
89% of PR professionals surveyed think that blogs and social software will be widespread and integrated into communications as websites are today.
but 69% say they do not have the skilled personnel to handle them and 42% are unable to demonstrate the ROI of blogging.
Lack of skilled PR professionals is now the biggest factor influencing the use of social software. A new niche specialisation for PROs is emerging.
The 3 biggest challenges for PR Professionals to use blogs int heir organisation are:
– having time to blog regularly (83%)
– reacting to comments/feedback from the audience (83%)
– creating content and ideas for posts (80% !)
The 3 biggest opportunities for PR Professionals are:
– environmental scanning, keeping a finger on the pulse (81%)
– fast reaction time to issues (74%)
– opportunity for authentic (!), personal communications (77%)